
OMGAM 2019.Jan OSRdF

Old School Rollunder dF


The Table refers to the collective group of players who participate in the game. One of these players is the Ref.

The players are responsible for the actions of their Characters, and use Fudge dice to determine the outcome of their actions.

Fudge dice (dF) have an equal number of Plus, Blank, and Minus sides. These are treated as +1, 0, and -1 respectively.


During play, each player controls one or more characters and describes their activities. Characters have six attributes that describe their abilities. Each attribute may be rated from -2 through +2. The attributes are:

The Ref facilitates conversation at the table and adjudicates the play of the game. They will make decisions about story elements and may make rulings when needed. Often, the Ref will be responsible for many minor characters or setting elements, which do not always need to be fully detailed with attributes.


When there is a dramatic need – possibly because of an interesting risk of failure or a need to create tension – select two attributes that most represent the activity described.

Action is resolved by rolling four Fudge dice (4dF) and summing the results.

The total must be lower than the sum of two attributes chosen previously.

The margin of success of failure determines how well the action succeeded, or how spectacularly it failed.

When characters actions oppose one another, roll for each and compare margin of success.

Creating a Character

Roll 2dF for each stat, to obtain a value from -2 to +2.


OSRdF by Luke Miller is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.