
2dF Drop Cellular Automata Lemmingslike

Drop 2df on a one-dimensional board to determine starting state, and shepherd r@bbits into a h0le.


Setup gamespace:

Chart out a game board with 8 empty spaces [ ]:

      [ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ]

Drop 2dF and mark [+], [-], or [#] in the spaces where they land

Prepend [0][@] to the board:

[0][@][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ]

Postpend [0] to the board:

[0][@][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][0]

Each Turn (for 30 turns):

Evaluate each set of three [?] and record a new object [*] for the center space, on a new line, according to the formulas below, presented in this format:

 Input [?][?][?]
Result    [*]

(see Wolfram’s one-dimensional cellular automaton for more examples of this evaluation process)

All rule sets are symmetric such that [ ][ ][z] is evaluated in the same way as [z][ ][ ], or [?][z][0] is evaluated in the same way as [0][z][?].

Once per turn, you may do one of:

Change [ ] to [#]
Change [#] to [ ]
Change [+] to [-]
Change [-] to [+]

Score +1:

When [@] vanishes into rightmost [0]

Optional Rule:

Roll 4dF and spend up to one per turn:

Spend [+] to change [+] to [ ], or [-] to [+]
Spend [-] to change [-] to [ ], or [+] to [-]
Spend [ ] to change [#] to [ ], or [ ] to [#]

Evaluation Sets:

[z] grows one square in either direction

 Input [z][ ][ ] input
Result    [z]

[z] collides with [s] forming [#]

 Input [z][s][?] input
    or [z][ ][s]
Result    [#]

[z] collides with [#] vanishing

 Input [z][z][#]
    or [ ][z][#]
Result    [ ]

[z] collides with [0] vanishing

 Input [?][z][0]
Result    [ ]

[z] collides with [z] vanishing

 Input [z][z][z]
    or [z][z][ ]
    or [z][ ][z]
Result    [ ]

[z] does not persist

Input [ ][z][ ]
Result   [ ]

[#] persists

Input [?][#][?]
Result   [#]

[@] behaves as a charge

Input [@][ ][ ]
   or [@][ ][#]
Result   [@]

Input [@][ ][z]
   or [@][z][ ]
   or [@][z][#]
   or [?][@][0]
Result   [ ]

Example of Play

(with no interaction):

01.[0][@][ ][ ][-][ ][ ][+][ ][ ][0]
02.[0][ ][@][-][ ][-][+][ ][+][ ][0]
03.[0][@][ ][ ][ ][#][#][ ][ ][+][0]
04.[0][ ][@][ ][ ][#][#][ ][+][ ][0]
05.[0][@][ ][@][ ][#][#][+][ ][+][0]
06.[0][ ][ ][ ][@][#][#][ ][ ][ ][0]
07.[0][ ][ ][@][ ][#][#][ ][ ][ ][0]
08.[0][ ][@][ ][@][#][#][ ][ ][ ][0]
09.[0][@][ ][ ][ ][#][#][ ][ ][ ][0]
10.[0][ ][@][ ][ ][#][#][ ][ ][ ][0]

2dFCAL by Luke Miller is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.