LOX Native Javascript, no third party libraries
Part-6 of the tutorial . Doing and taking damage
– move event handing out of engine
– pass engine as a paramater to gameMap
– pass map as paramater to entities (may not need because they have this
– actions initialized with actor who is acting
– actions reference engine via entity->gameMap->engine
create Fighter
– composition model includes mixins, not totally sure what the difference is
– class BaseComponent has entity passed to it
— has property of engine.. maps to entity->gameMap->engine
– class Fighter has BaseComponent passed to it
– has propetties for hp, and a hpSetter function?
– fighter sets a min and max HP for whatever it gets added to
create ai.js – has pathing and/or movement – tutorial uses some graph theory stuff here – tutorial also uses a pathfinding algorithm from the library – will probably do a random walk / drunken walk instead – ai checks for — is in player vision — is next to player (attack) — move towards player otherwise – wont do all that above.. also wont descriminate between move and attack action, boops will result from blocked moves.
figure out how to handle NPC turns – add function to GameMap to return only actors? – specifically only ones that are alive – add function to get actors at a given location, but not used yet